Friday, May 24, 2013

Have you ever bought a gold nugget?

Have you still got your gold nugget?
Do you think it is still a good idea to buy gold?
I think now is the time to be buying gold.  The price is way down with everyone worried that some bank overseas is going to sell off their gold.   What websites do you follow to find out gold prices?  I use, I really like their charts.  You can find their price chart on the right of my page.

Click here to see my Gold Nugget...

Are You Metal Detecting for your Gold? Here are reviews.

Metal detecting is very popular here in AZ.  This article has reviewed many of them.

We have metal detecting clubs with over 1000 members in just ours.  There is a club in Yuma, Laughlin, San Diego and Phoenix.  The clubs buy up mining claims and when you join for only $20 a year you get to use those claims.  Lots of gold nuggets have been found on our claims with metal detectors.  Enough to pay for it and more.  To see some for sale new and used .Metal Detectors">....
We have been lucky enough to acquire some nice gold nuggets, see them here ..Gold Nuggets..