Monday, April 15, 2013

What is Everyone Saying About the Gold Prices Falling?

Gold is falling falling falling.

It is at a 2 year low.

Do you think it will come back up?
What is everyone saying why it is falling?
Should you be buying?
Here are some of the best articles I have found.

The Washington Post says:

Weaker-than-expected Chinese economic growth figures weighed on markets Monday as the price of gold slid another $100 to hit a two-year low amid concerns that a 12-year bull run for the commodity has come to an end.
Though Beijing government figures showed that the world’s second-largest economy expanded 7.7 percent in the first quarter of the year compared with a year earlier, the figure was down on the previous period’s 7.9 percent rate and was worse than expectations for a modest increase to 8 percent.
 To Read More:

I like what the BBC has to say:

ABC news says:

 USA TODAY says: Analysts attributed last week's plunge to investors who fear gold won't be the safe haven it has been when inflation spikes, the economy deteriorates or the sale of gold to raise cash skyrockets. To read more


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