Saturday, April 20, 2013

Of Course the Demand for Gold is UP

What did you think would happen when the price for gold and silver fell so low?  The demand goes up.
Peter Hug over at Kitko backs me up on this one.

As is to be expected with the recent drop, physical demand, especially for silver, has exploded over the past week. The market collapse is obviously the recent catalyst but physical demand has been aggressive since November 2012. The North American Mints are on tighter allocation releases as the demand far outstrips the production capability at levels of three shifts working 24/7. Demand from Europe, given the recent concerns on the safety of "guaranteed" bank deposits, has many dealers back-logged as much as one month. The Hong Kong market has joined the demand cycle with popular North American items in low supply or out of stock.
To read more
To buy more gold

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